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Dental implants support a variety of dental prostheses, from crowns to dentures.

These small, titanium posts are surgically inserted within the jaw bone, where the jaw grows around and fuses with the implants over time. Our Philadelphia dental implant specialists work closely with patients to create a plan for dental implants and restorations that give back patients full oral function.

Comfort, Function and Appearance

Dental implants are offered at our Philadelphia dental practice to treat those who have lost one or multiple teeth. Since tooth loss affects the function and aesthetics of your smile, as well as your overall health, it is very important to replace missing teeth. While dental implants require more initial time to fit than traditional dentures, they pay off in the long run. Dentures can require constant maintenance, cleaning and frequent adjustments. Dental implants provide a permanent solution to the problem of missing teeth while looking and feeling completely natural.

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The Dental Implants offered at our Philadelphia practice tend to be as strong or stronger than real teeth.

A superior option to both dentures and bridges, especially in instances of multiple missing teeth, dental implants can make your tooth loss woes a thing of the past. In addition to their strength, dental implants are extremely durable: with proper care, dental implants can last a lifetime.

The Dental Implants Procedure

Dental implants are fitted in stages at our Center City, Philadelphia practice. Dental implants are small titanium posts that are anchored in the jawbone; tooth replicas are then placed over them. Once the permanent tooth restorations are fitted, the final aesthetic product is complete. Though dental implant placement is a fairly involved procedure, most patients do not experience much pain.

While the bone around the titanium posts is healing, an implant dentist at our Philadelphia practice can usually fit patients with a temporary, functional tooth replica. The healing process is not painful and being fitted with dental implants is typically a very smooth and highly effective procedure. The implant dentists at our Philadelphia practice have enjoyed exceptional levels of success with this procedure.

Outstanding Results with Philadelphia Dental Implants

Patients who receive dental implants are typically very satisfied with their results. Since implants behave exactly like natural teeth, they require precisely the same maintenance and care: all that is required is brushing, flossing and periodic cleanings and checkups. For more information from an implant dentist at our Philadelphia practice, contact Dentistry at 1818 today!

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